Leveraging Executives Through Strategic PR

Leveraging Executives Through Strategic PR

Three Tips for Executive Positioning

Recently, I had the opportunity to host a webinar on leveraging executives with my good friend and Target Communications rock star Gena Gatewood. Between the two of us, we have worked with some of the top executives in their respective industries in the country, positioning them as experts in their field and sculpting their brands for both personal and organizational initiatives.

While many public relations professionals are tasked with strategizing and executing executive positioning plans, it is a great exercise for anyone who is looking to grow their brand and climb the ladder.

Here are a few tips to optimally position yourself (or others) as thought leaders:

Come Up with a Game Plan but Be Ready to Pivot

When constructing an executive positioning plan, it is important to be thorough, laying out time commitment and strategizing long term. Clearly outline goals and celebrate any and all victories along the way. Leverage those wins into other opportunities as well and be ready to pivot if something is or is not working. Remember to narrow your focus to one or two timely, trendy industry topics to key in on credibility. This will also help establish a narrative essential to your brand.

Executive Positioning Strategies

The good news is there is no lack of opportunities when it comes to positioning yourself or others. Preparing and placing thought leadership content is a great start and can lead to speaking opportunities. Make sure to identify industry conferences and award submissions as part of your plan. Strategically engage with key stakeholders and the media through meetups and/or social media but remember to keep it less transactional and more relationship focused.

Social Media is Key

Twitter and LinkedIn are the two main social media channels executives flex their professional muscles. Start with a solid bio on both that clearly provides your who, what, and where, as well as a professional photo. Share your own content but understand it is equally as important to engage with other posts by sharing and/or commenting. Use industry hashtags on Twitter and participate in groups and request recommendations on LinkedIn. Make sure to have fun and showcase your personality and voice.

If you’re looking for assistance in executive positioning and personal branding, look no further than the Bogues Group! Download the free version of The Complete Brand Builder Workbook by clicking here.