Brittney Bogues on the Common Mistake Marketers Make



In Q4, Bogues Group Owner Brittney Bogues was featured in a Databox article discussing the 18 most common mistakes marketers tend to make and how best to avoid them. Each mistake features an entrepreneur’s advice on the one they see most often and how to avoid it. 

At the top of the list was not optimizing visuals for mobile devices. According to the article, 98% of Facebook users all over the world access Facebook from their mobile devices. As a marketer, your content must be accessible or tailored for both PC and mobile users. If not, this can result in a major loss of audience since a huge part of the population has and uses at least one mobile device on a daily basis. Tiffany Lewis of More Meaningful Marketing said, “It’s a big miss [visually] because the outer edges of the art and information get cut off or become disproportionately sized. Leaving 90 pixels of space on the right and left side of the cover photo will allow it to scale appropriately without being cut off.” To avoid this mistake, Lewis recommends “checking mobile before settling on your cover photo since so many people are browsing from these devices.”


The number 9 most common mistake is using low quality images. In the age of social media, image quality and visuals are such an important part of marketing. Bernadett Dioszegi of Bannersack joined the conversation and stated, “ Many brands are using low quality images or they simply choose stock photos that don’t align with the message of the post.” Her tip to those who make this mistake and how to avoid it ? “ The best you can do is to upload simple images that support the main point of your copy and landing page. You can also try the carousel format to increase the chances your post is getting noticed.” Not only does Dioszegi give some wonderful tips but she also includes the actual image sizes that work best for each type of Facebook post.

Towards the end of the article we get to mistake #16 which focuses on the 80/20 rule and how some marketers break that unwritten rule. This is where Brittney’s expertise comes into play. Breaking the 80/20 rule is the most common mistake she sees brands make on Facebook. “When it comes to Facebook, most connections are personal, so networking marketing is king but takes some finesse since you have to make it a two-way conversation. Most brands talk at their clients on Facebook instead of engaging in two way communication.” says Brittney. Facebook content should include what your audience wants to see and be relevant to things that can benefit them.  Continuous posts about only your business and its features will not always appeal to your audiences wants and needs.

This article is an amazing, eye opening read for marketers and the like to learn how to spot these mistakes and even better, how to avoid making them in the first place.

Are you as making any of these mistakes? Ready to break these habits ? Check out the full article to find out here and for the many tips and suggestions made by some top notch marketing experts! Or, contact Bogues Group for a consultation and more information about our coaching services.


Most brands talk at their clients on Facebook instead of engaging in two-way communication.
— Brittney Bogues

