Intern Spotlight: Baylee and What It Means to Be an Empowered Woman

“That’s what happens when you raise a strong, independent daughter,” says my mother when we disagree. Fierce, independent women run in my family just like our blue eyes; we are strong in our beliefs and know the power of our voices. After being raised to understand my potential as a woman as well as the obstacles we have faced and continue to challenge today, I am now a student working to enter a male-dominated field. This Women’s History Month, I am reminiscing on all of the influential women who have shaped me into the person I am today while raising awareness of the gender gap in public relations. 

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I started dance at only two and a half years old, so seeing women in leadership positions was always normal to me. As I grew up and started to learn about the challenges that women face and experiencing them myself, I began to question why there seemed to be different rules for men and women. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t wear a tank top to school, but the boys were permitted to play basketball in the gym with their shirts off. I feel so empowered seeing girls fight back about their outfits in schools today, and it is inspiring to know that each generation of women is becoming stronger and stronger.

I danced until I graduated high school, and being uplifted by those women (figuratively and literally) for almost my entire life has given me so much strength and courage as a woman today. I then found a new group of women, my sorority sisters, who showed me a new meaning of being a powerful, independent, and brave woman through education, service, and friendship. My college years have allowed me to continue growing into my voice and realizing my potential, and they also gave me sisters who I know will always be around to empower me.

My time at Appalachian State University has been transformative, and it has also allowed me to understand what I want from a career in communication and public relations. I always knew that whatever path I chose after college, I wanted to make an impact in some way. Interning at Bogues Group has helped me realize that I can turn my passions into my profession while being surrounded by devoted, influential women.

Bogues Group triumphs women in leadership positions and actively works to support other women pursuing leadership positions, so becoming part of this team and continuing to be surrounded by women in another aspect of my life was like a dream come true. In my short time as an intern, I have learned so much about my future career and feel thankful for the insight I have gained about women’s experiences in communication and leadership.

Our team recently took a few seconds to share what empowers us – check out the video here

As I move forward in Public Relations and grow my passion for women empowerment, I am still often reminded of the gender gap in PR. This may seem confusing because about 64% of PR specialists are women. However, women still earn less than men and hold fewer leadership positions. Although there are more women in PR overall, the average women’s salary is still almost $30,000 less than the average men’s salary.* While women break glass ceilings every day, we must continue to fight for change and equality for women on all levels.

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Women have always had a powerful voice, but sometimes it can be hard to use it. In the face of adversity, more and more women are speaking up and empowering others all over the world. While I didn’t always have the courage to use my voice, I continue to grow into it and feel even more encouraged to do so with all of the influential women in my life – past, present and future.

I always find a new story of an empowering, groundbreaking woman each Women’s History Month, and it inspires me to uplift the women in my life and break down barriers in my own community. Change starts with a voice, and I challenge myself and every person to speak up in protecting, celebrating, and supporting women this Women’s History Month and every other month.

Join Bogues Group in our mission to empower women through our C-Suite Directory – available here, a compilation of businesses designed to support and empower women includes the go-to funding marketplace for women-owned businesses, executive and career coaching, branding and consulting firms. 

There’s still time to register for Boss Camp – our all-female C-Suite virtual boot camp to gain insights and experiences from the top women in business – registration is free!
